HASH #468 Mid-Summer Madness Hash

HASH #468 Mid-Summer Madness Hash

Hi Hashers All
Yes, it’s another one already!!
And it’s the Mid-Summer Madness Hash”!
Ladies, put flowers in your hair for this one!
So, here’s the details.
When: This coming Saturday June 24, 2023
Time:  3:30PM
Where: Grassed parking area just below Fairview Inn, Boyds
How to get there:  Take the island main road going west. You will pass Ross U and West Farm Estate. The next village is Boyds. As you near where the road crests, look for a “shack” marked “Boyds Bus Stop” on your left. Take the right right turn there and continue to Fairview Inn. Park in the open field just below it. Easy as pie.
Hares: Brianna & Viking John
So, see you there, bring a friend or 10.